The Real Imhoffs
Chad and Angela Imhoff invite you to join them in real conversations about relationships. You'll hear validating content that normalizes interactions between partners, then you'll listen as the Imhoffs give you tools to have new conversations around familiar content. They use examples from their own relationship and give you practical and tangible options that you can apply in your relationship to feel more connected.
Dr. Chad Imhoff earned his PhD in Counselor Education from the University of Arkansas. He is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor and the Clinical Director at The Joshua Center, a private agency in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Angela Imhoff earned her masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from John Brown University. She is the Ministry Leader for a faith based 12-step program at their church and she is a Certified Life Coach.
The Imhoffs often host workshops for couples and enjoy helping people find ways to feel more connected to themselves and to each other. For more information about Chad and Angela, check out their website at: www.therealimhoffs.com

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
What We Wish We Knew: Episode 1- Family Influence
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Just finishing up with the new material the Imhoffs wrote for engaged couples, they realized there were so many things "They Wished They Had Known" before getting married that would have helped them navigate content and conflict with a little less difficulty. Which is why the are spinning off this series to let married couples connect over insight they maybe should have discussed before... it's never to late to tackle content that will help your relationship go more smoothly, from vacations to free time to spending money to raising a family, how has your family of origin influenced you and what is still impacting your interaction. Check out this new series "What We Wish We Knew".
For more information about the Imhoffs go to: www.therealimhoffs.com

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Year In Review: Episode 3- Take Care Of Each Other
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wrapping up their first full year, the Imhoffs revisit some key points from previous episodes and share the importance of taking care of each other. During a long season of isolation, unpredictability and change, it's important to check in with yourself to assess what you need. It's equally important to share those needs with your partner so they can help you get those needs met. Could be exercise, or healthy food, or rest or laughter. Only you know what brings joy to your soul.
Chad and Angela use feedback from listeners to help inform future topics. If there is a discussion you are having with your partner that you would like them to talk about, please connect with the Imhoffs by leaving a comment or emailing in from their website: www.therealimhoffs.com

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Year In Review: Episode 2- Your View Of Yourself
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Underneath the content of our fights there is a narrative. A story we tell ourselves; about ourselves, about our partner and about our relationship. When we are in a negative cycle, those stories tend to not only be the most negative view you can hold, but also tend to be about identity and security. "I am bad." "My partner is bad." "Our relationship is bad." A healthy goal to work toward in building a secure relationship is to be able to understand and then articulate what those stories are and instead of holding those view alone in our thoughts, sharing those views with or partner so they can help us build a healthy and more honest narrative. Listen to Chad and Angela share how these negative views keep us stuck and also how to start having conversations about those places.
To share ideas, ask questions or connect with the Imhoffs, check out www.therealimhoffs.com

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Year In Review: Episode 1- Stopping The Cycle
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
This episode marks the first full year the Connecting Couples Podcast. The Imhoffs celebrate a little and then look back over the year at some of the series they have done and highlight some key points. In this episode they go back to the cycle and why the goal of not getting into cycles in unrealistic. As usual, they share from their own experience and then cue up a conversation for you to have with your partner about recovering from those hard places quicker and staying in those hard places for a shorter amount of time. Check it out.
If you have a question, comment or topic you'd like us to respond to, please comment or contact us through our website: www.therealimhoffs.com

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Answering Listener Questions: Q&A: 1
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
In this special episode, Chad and Angela respond to a listener who wrote in asking about finding a partner and then learning the same language. Dating again after a failed relationship can feel impossible, especially when our body is trying to make sure we don't get hurt again. The Imhoffs share their own experience about finding a partner after divorce, and the step they took to make sure the relationship had the right elements needed to succeed. Check it out and learn more about Chad and Angela at www.therealimhoffs.com

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Keep Dating Your Spouse: Episode 4- Bring Your Best Self
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
In this episode, Chad and Angela warp up this series by encouraging you to consider the mindset you had when you were dating your spouse. Can you remember the effort you made to impress your partner? Can you remember the things you did to let your partner know you were interested in being together. Sometimes life and comfort shift our effort and we can forget to do the important things that help build security and belonging. Check out this episode and for more information about The Imhoffs, go to: www.therealimhoffs.com

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Keep Dating Your Spouse: Episode 3- Date Your Withdrawer
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Withdrawers are stoic, steady, and maintain composure in the face of chaos and conflict. It's why we love them. Withdrawers also don't want to get it wrong and therefor can find themselves in a place feeling like no move is the best move. In this series, the RealImhoffs encourage you to keep going on dates... even more, to consider what it was like when you started dated and how to possibly bring back some of the good things that were lost. In this episode we discuss the fade that happens for withdrawers. During dating, they may have even pursued a bit, but over time something shifts and the pursuers can find themselves making all the plans and resenting their withdrawers in the process. Listen to this episode and shift the conversation from... "Why don't we go on dates anymore?" to "How do you want this weekend's date to go?" Check it out and to read more about Chad and Angela go to: www.therealimhoffs.com

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Keep Dating Your Spouse: Episode 2- Date Your Pursuer
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Pursuers have energy and charisma. They plan great events and keep things on track. Some of the unpleasant things pursuers are known for are the very things that usually attracted their partners in a different context. But over time- with the fade they discussed in Episode 1- it can start to look like pursuers are just mad all the time or only ever pointing out what is not right. In this episode, Chad and Angela discuss the shift in relationships that both partners feel when it comes to pursuers, and also how to get back some of that fun energy you both like. You can often start by acknowledging how hard pursuers are working for everything to go well and for everyone to have a great experience. The world wouldn't be as good without all you amazing pursuers! So thanks for what you bring to the table. Check out this episode to listen to what it can feel like to be a pursuer.
For more information about Chad and Angela, check out their website: www.therealimhoffs.com